Hey, guess what? I have several articles published on Ezinearticles.com and wanted to share with you the site feed. I am very excited that they have liked my articles and I was featured several times in the last two weeks on their home page. Wow.
Anyhow, if you want to read the many articles with other little dirty secrets of mine, feel free to check out the feed.
Author Rachel Car Johnson, of the aforementioned ebook "The $100 Diet," shares personal accounts, discoveries, support and newly found recipes with people who have a general interest in an old-fashioned way of sticking to a diet.
I am an underground recording artist and performer who has a variety of interests. I love the mid century modern era in every facet and enjoy fashion and music. I model for artists, photographers and filmmakers on several projects, including the music. I love to collaborate with other creatives. I currently live in Downtown Lost Vegas.